LIC: File Extension LIC - Open LIC files - LIC file type info
A short for 'License,' the .lic extension is predominantly used to denote the generic License File (LIC) file type. I...
LIN: File Extension LIN - Open LIN files - LIN file type info
The .lin filename extension primarily denotes the AutoCAD Linetype Definition (.lin) file type. AutoCAD by Autodesk i...
LIST: File Extension LIST - Open LIST files - LIST file type info
In Debian-style GNU/Linux operating systems such as Ubuntu, the .list filename suffix occurs with reference to packag...
LIT: File Extension LIT - Open LIT files - LIT file type info
The .lit extension is mainly associated with the proprietary Microsoft (MS) Reader Literature (LIT) format and file t...
LITEMOD: File Extension LITEMOD - Open LITEMOD files - LITEMOD file type info
The .litemod extension denotes the LiteLoader Mod (.litemod) file type, used exclusively with the LiteLoader mod-load...
LML: File Extension LML - Open LML files - LML file type info
The .lml filename extension is primarily associated with the Nokia PC Suite Synchronization Log (.lml) file type. It ...
LNC: File Extension LNC - Open LNC files - LNC file type info
In connection with Football Manager (FM)—a popular series of football management simulation PC/Mac games by Spo...
LNG: File Extension LNG - Open LNG files - LNG file type info
The .lng extension stands for 'LaNGuage' (LNG) and is primarily associated with interface language files and plugins ...
LNK: File Extension LNK - Open LNK files - LNK file type info
The .lnk extension associates with the Shell Link binary format in Microsoft Windows. A link file is a small (~2 Kb) ...
LOADED: File Extension LOADED - Open LOADED files - LOADED file type info
The filename extension .loaded is used by the BitTorrent and uTorrent P2P client applications (BitTorrent, Inc.) on M...