U13: File Extension U13 - Open U13 files - U13 file type info
The .u13 filename extension primarily denotes the WISO Steuer-Sparbuch VAT Return 2012 (WISO Steuer-Sparbuch Umsatzst...
U14: File Extension U14 - Open U14 files - U14 file type info
Similar to other alphanumerical filename extensions used for the same purpose, the extension .u14 primarily denotes t...
UBOX: File Extension UBOX - Open UBOX files - UBOX file type info
The .ubox extension is definitively linked to Universe Sandbox, a realistic 3D space exploration and simulation softw...
UCF: File Extension UCF - Open UCF files - UCF file type info
The primary association of the .ucf filename extension belongs to the Universal Communications Format (UCF), develope...
UDB: File Extension UDB - Open UDB files - UDB file type info
Primarily, the .udb file extension is associated with the Microsoft Dynamics AX User Database (UDB) file type and for...
UDT: File Extension UDT - Open UDT files - UDT file type info
The primary role of the .udt filename extension is associated with the generic User-Defined [Data] Type (.udt) file t...
UEAF: File Extension UEAF - Open UEAF files - UEAF file type info
The .ueaf filename extension denotes the UPEK Encrypted Archive File (.ueaf) file type and format used by the legacy ...
UFM: File Extension UFM - Open UFM files - UFM file type info
The primary association of the .ufm filename extension goes together with the UniDrv Font Metrics (UFM) file type and...
UI: File Extension UI - Open UI files - UI file type info
The UI file extension is used by the Qt Designer tool aimed to help software developers create graphical user interfa...
UIF: File Extension UIF - Open UIF files - UIF file type info
The filename extension .uif stands for the Universal Image Format (UIF) and denotes the UIF Disk Image (.uif) file ty...