CONFIG: File Extension CONFIG - Open CONFIG files - CONFIG file type info
The .config extension is used, as the name implies, to denote various configuration files across different platforms...
CONTACT: File Extension CONTACT - Open CONTACT files - CONTACT file type info
Quite self-explicably, the filename extension .contact represents the Windows Contact File (.contact) file type that ...
CPI: File Extension CPI - Open CPI files - CPI file type info
The .cpi extension is mainly encountered in association with the AVCHD Clip Information (CPI) file type/format. AVCHD...
CPK: File Extension CPK - Open CPK files - CPK file type info
The filename extension .cpk is primarily associated with the CRIWARE Resource Package (.cpk) file type and format dev...
CPP: File Extension CPP - Open CPP files - CPP file type info
As an acronym for 'C-Plus-Plus,' the .cpp extension is conventionally used in association with the C++ Sour...
CPR: File Extension CPR - Open CPR files - CPR file type info
CPR files are commonly associated with Cubase, a Digital Audio Workstation application developed by Steinberg Media T...
CPS: File Extension CPS - Open CPS files - CPS file type info
The .cps filename extension has its primary association with the Adobe Captivate Style (.cps) file type and format us...
CPVC: File Extension CPVC - Open CPVC files - CPVC file type info
The filename extension .cpvc represents the file type Adobe Captivate Video Demo Project (.cpvc). It is a dedicated t...
CR2: File Extension CR2 - Open CR2 files - CR2 file type info
The .cr2 filename extension is bound up with the proprietary Canon Raw, Version 2 (CR2) raster graphical image format...
CRDOWNLOAD: File Extension CRDOWNLOAD - Open CRDOWNLOAD files - CRDOWNLOAD file type info
The .crdownload filename extension is used by the Google Chrome internet browser for files that are being downloaded...