CFG: File Extension CFG - Open CFG files - CFG file type info
Stemming from the MS-DOS era, the .cfg extension stands for 'Configuration' and is conventionally used in the Microso...
CFGE: File Extension CFGE - Open CFGE files - CFGE file type info
The .cfge filename extension is assigned to encrypted configuration files used in downloadable simple PC games by iWi...
CFM: File Extension CFM - Open CFM files - CFM file type info
The .cfm filename extension associates with the ColdFusion Markup Document (CFM) file type. ColdFusion is a commercia...
CGI: File Extension CGI - Open CGI files - CGI file type info
The .cgi filename extension stands for the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) and denotes the CGI Script (.cgi) file type...
CHA: File Extension CHA - Open CHA files - CHA file type info
Most frequently, the .cha extension would be used as an abbreviation of 'Chat' to denote the IRC (Internet Relay Chat...
CHLS: File Extension CHLS - Open CHLS files - CHLS file type info
Derived by abbreviation from 'Charles,' the .chls filename extension belongs to the Charles Session (.chls) file type...
CHM: File Extension CHM - Open CHM files - CHM file type info
The .chm filename extension is associated with the Compressed, or Compiled HTML (CHM) file format and type. CHM is a ...
CIB: File Extension CIB - Open CIB files - CIB file type info
The .cib filename extension is primarily used to denote the ChessBase Search Booster (.cib) file type associated with...
CIL: File Extension CIL - Open CIL files - CIL file type info
The .cil file extension denotes the Microsoft Clip Gallery Download Package (CIL) file type and format associated wit...
CIW: File Extension CIW - Open CIW files - CIW file type info
The .ciw filename extension represents the Web of Science Bibliographic Reference (.ciw) file type. Web of Science (W...