WEM: File Extension WEM - Open WEM files - WEM file type info
The .wem extension is primarily associated with the Wwise Encoded Media (WEM) file format and type. Wwise stands for ...
WIBUCMRAU: File Extension WIBUCMRAU - Open WIBUCMRAU files - WIBUCMRAU file type info
Standing for 'Wibu-Systems CodeMeter Remote Activation Update,' the cumbersome .wibucmrau (WibuCmRaU) filename extens...
WID: File Extension WID - Open WID files - WID file type info
The .wid extension is most frequently associated with the Web Intelligence Document (WID) file type and format. Web I...
WIM: File Extension WIM - Open WIM files - WIM file type info
The .wim extension is a designation of the proprietary Windows Imaging Format (WIM) developed by Microsoft for its Wi...
WJR: File Extension WJR - Open WJR files - WJR file type info
The .wjr extension is unambiguously associated with the ReGet Deluxe Document (WJR) file type registered and used by ...
WLG: File Extension WLG - Open WLG files - WLG file type info
With reference to the obsolete Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME operating systems, the .wlg filename extension represents t...
WLMP: File Extension WLMP - Open WLMP files - WLMP file type info
Files saved with the WLMP file extension are associated with Windows Movie Maker software application developed and s...
WM: File Extension WM - Open WM files - WM file type info
The primary association of the .wm filename extension belongs to the Windows Media Multimedia File (.wm) file type/fo...
WMA: File Extension WMA - Open WMA files - WMA file type info
The .wma extension is linked to the Windows Media Audio (WMA) audio file format, audio codec and file type. WMA is a ...
WMD: File Extension WMD - Open WMD files - WMD file type info
WMD is an acronym of 'Windows Media Download,' which is the file type primarily associated with the .wmd extension. W...