SSPR: File Extension SSPR - Open SSPR files - SSPR file type info
Apparently standing for 'Slide Show Project,' the .sspr filename extension represents the ArcSoft MediaImpression Sli...
ST3: File Extension ST3 - Open ST3 files - ST3 file type info
The .st3 ('Star 3') file extension primarily denotes the proprietary Star 3 MIDI Karaoke File (ST3) file type and for...
STA: File Extension STA - Open STA files - STA file type info
The most common occurrence of the .sta filename extension relates to the Adobe Photoshop Color Match Image Statistics...
STL: File Extension STL - Open STL files - STL file type info
As an abbreviation for 'Style,' the filename extension .stl is primarily associated with the Adobe Fireworks Style Li...
STO: File Extension STO - Open STO files - STO file type info
The primary association of the .sto filename extension belongs to the PRO100 Project File (STO) file format/type. PRO...
STP: File Extension STP - Open STP files - STP file type info
The .stp extension primarily represents the STEP 3D Model (.stp, .step) file type, with reference to the STEP-File fi...
STR: File Extension STR - Open STR files - STR file type info
The filename extension .str has its primary association with the Sony PlayStation Video Stream (.str) file type and f...
STREAM: File Extension STREAM - Open STREAM files - STREAM file type info
When appearing as a filename extension, the suffix .stream serves as a very generic denotation of stream files. Gener...
STRINGS: File Extension STRINGS - Open STRINGS files - STRINGS file type info
The verbose filename extension .strings applies to localization resource files (.strings) tightly integrated into the...
STV: File Extension STV - Open STV files - STV file type info
A short for SageTV, the .stv extension is primarily associated with the SageTV Application Package File (STV) file ty...
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