RMVB: File Extension RMVB - Open RMVB files - RMVB file type info
The .rmvb filename extension is universally used to denote the RealMedia Variable Rate (RMVB) multimedia compression ...
RNT: File Extension RNT - Open RNT files - RNT file type info
The .rnt filename extension is primarily associated with the RightNote Notebook (.rnt) file type used by RightNote, a...
ROCKETPDF: File Extension ROCKETPDF - Open ROCKETPDF files - ROCKETPDF file type info
Resulting from an apparent typing error or misconception, the dotted text string ".rocketpdf" does not signify any kn...
ROL: File Extension ROL - Open ROL files - ROL file type info
As a short form of 'roll,' the .rol extension primarily associates with the legacy AdLib Visual Composer Roll (ROL) f...
ROLF: File Extension ROLF - Open ROLF files - ROLF file type info
Associated with the Relux Open Luminaire Format (ROLF), the filename extension .rolf denotes the ROLF Document (.rolf...
ROM: File Extension ROM - Open ROM files - ROM file type info
The .rom filename extension chiefly serves to denote generic Read-Only Memory (ROM) images saved as files. A .rom fil...
RPD: File Extension RPD - Open RPD files - RPD file type info
The filename extension .rpd primarily denotes the RIB iTWO Project Database (.rpd) file type associated with RIB iTWO...
RPM: File Extension RPM - Open RPM files - RPM file type info
The .rpm extension is most frequently encountered in the GNU/Linux world, and its primary association belongs to the ...
RPT: File Extension RPT - Open RPT files - RPT file type info
Being an abbreviation of 'Report,' the .rpt extension primarily serves as a generic label for all kinds of report fil...
RSD: File Extension RSD - Open RSD files - RSD file type info
The .rsd filename extension has its primary association with the Rosetta Stone Data (RSD) file type and format. Roset...