RBF: File Extension RBF - Open RBF files - RBF file type info
Most commonly, the .rbf extension is associated with the Microsoft Rollback File (RBF) format and file type. An RBF f...
RBS: File Extension RBS - Open RBS files - RBS file type info
The .rbs extension is primarily associated with the Scrambled Ruby File (.rbs) file type and format used with SketchU...
RBX: File Extension RBX - Open RBX files - RBX file type info
Primarily, the .rbx extension is linked to the Ruby on Rails Script (RBX) file type. Ruby on Rails (RoR) is an open (...
RDB: File Extension RDB - Open RDB files - RDB file type info
The filename extension .rdb belongs to the Retrospect Disk Backup Set (.rdb) file type, with reference to Restrospect...
RDF: File Extension RDF - Open RDF files - RDF file type info
The primary association of the .rdf extension relates to the Resource Description Framework (RDF) data format, with t...
RDN: File Extension RDN - Open RDN files - RDN file type info
The .rdn filename extension belongs to the IGN Rando Track (.rdn) file type, previously associated with the IGN Rando...
REC: File Extension REC - Open REC files - REC file type info
Primarily, the .rec filename extension goes together with the Topfield PVR Recording (REC) file format and the associ...
REG: File Extension REG - Open REG files - REG file type info
The main association of the .reg extension belongs to the Microsoft Windows Registry File (REG) file type/format. REG...
REP: File Extension REP - Open REP files - REP file type info
The .rep file extension is commonly assigned to Act! report files. Act! is a CRM software application designed to hel...
RES: File Extension RES - Open RES files - RES file type info
The primary association of the .res filename extension belongs to the Microsoft Windows Compiled Resource Script (.re...