ISO: File Extension ISO - Open ISO files - ISO file type info
The .iso filename extension denotes the ISO image file format and file type and is assigned to ISO image files. The f...
ISS: File Extension ISS - Open ISS files - ISS file type info
The .iss extension translates into 'Inno Setup Script' (ISS) and is primarily linked to the ISS file type. Inno Setup...
ISZ: File Extension ISZ - Open ISZ files - ISZ file type info
The .isz filename extension stands for the ISZ CD/DVD Image File (.isz) file type and format invented by EZB Systems ...
ITC2: File Extension ITC2 - Open ITC2 files - ITC2 file type info
The .itc2 extension associates with the 'iTunes Cover Flow Data File 2' format and files in this format. ITC2 files a...
ITDB: File Extension ITDB - Open ITDB files - ITDB file type info
The .itdb extension is associated with the iTunes Database (.itdb) file type and format. iTunes by Apple, Inc. is a f...
ITF: File Extension ITF - Open ITF files - ITF file type info
The .itf filename extension is primarily associated with the Sygic GPS Navigation Route (.itf) file type and format u...
ITHMB: File Extension ITHMB - Open ITHMB files - ITHMB file type info
The .ithmb filename extension serves to distinguish the ITHMB ('iThumbnail') file format and the respective file type...
ITLP: File Extension ITLP - Open ITLP files - ITLP file type info
The .itlp file extension represents the interactive iTunes LP Music Album (.itlp) file format used with iTunes (v.9-v...
IVZ: File Extension IVZ - Open IVZ files - IVZ file type info
The .ivz filename extension denotes the Open Inventor Model, Zipped (.ivz) file type and format, with reference to Op...
IWD: File Extension IWD - Open IWD files - IWD file type info
The .iwd filename extension represents the Infinity Ward Datafile (IWD) file type used by the Infinity Ward (IW) game...