XFS: File Extension XFS - Open XFS files - XFS file type info
The .xfs extension is mainly related to multimedia processing and is primarily associated with Sorenson Squeeze Filte...
XHT: File Extension XHT - Open XHT files - XHT file type info
The .xht extension is expressly associated with the XHTML (Extended Hypertext Markup Language) file type. XHTML is a ...
XLB: File Extension XLB - Open XLB files - XLB file type info
The .xlb filename extension represents the Microsoft Excel Toolbar (.xlb) file type. Microsoft Excel is an advanced s...
XLG: File Extension XLG - Open XLG files - XLG file type info
Most commonly, the .xlg extension occurs in association with the AutoCAD External Reference (XREF) Log (.xlg) file ty...
XLK: File Extension XLK - Open XLK files - XLK file type info
The .xlk filename extension represents the Microsoft Office Excel Backup File (XLK) file type. Excel is the spreadshe...
XLM: File Extension XLM - Open XLM files - XLM file type info
The .xlm filename extension denotes the Macro-Enabled Microsoft Office Excel Document (XLM) file type and format. XLM...
XLR: File Extension XLR - Open XLR files - XLR file type info
The .xlr extension goes together with the Microsoft Works Spreadsheet (XLR) file format and the associated .xlr file ...
XLS: File Extension XLS - Open XLS files - XLS file type info
A file having the XLS file extension represents a binary Microsoft Excel worksheet file. An XLS file is used for stor...
XLSM: File Extension XLSM - Open XLSM files - XLSM file type info
The .xlsm extension is universally associated with the Microsoft Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (XLSM) file type and fo...
XLSX: File Extension XLSX - Open XLSX files - XLSX file type info
The .xlsx extension represents the newer Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet file format, which is part of the broader...