DCTMP: File Extension DCTMP - Open DCTMP files - DCTMP file type info
The verbose filename extension .dctmp has its association with the DC++ Incomplete Download (.dctmp) file t...
DCV: File Extension DCV - Open DCV files - DCV file type info
The .dcv file extension is associated with the DriveCrypt Encrypted Volume (.dcv) file type and format used in DriveC...
DDD: File Extension DDD - Open DDD files - DDD file type info
The .ddd filename extension has its primary association with the 3D-Tool Project (.ddd) file type and format. 3D-Tool...
DDF: File Extension DDF - Open DDF files - DDF file type info
The filename extension .ddf primarily denotes the NI Ultiboard 4/5 Design File (.ddf) file type, with reference to Ul...
DDS: File Extension DDS - Open DDS files - DDS file type info
DDS is short for the DirectDraw Surface file format created by Microsoft Corporation. The DDS format was initially de...
DEB: File Extension DEB - Open DEB files - DEB file type info
The .deb extension is universally bound up with Debian (DEB) packages. A package is a container software installation...
DEC: File Extension DEC - Open DEC files - DEC file type info
The main association of the .dec extension goes together with the Magic Online Card Deck (.dec) file type. Magic Onli...
DEF: File Extension DEF - Open DEF files - DEF file type info
The DEF file extension is attributed to module definition files saved in a plain text format. DEF was developed by Ca...
The .deskthemepack extension belongs to the newer Windows desktop customization theme format introduced by Microsoft ...
DESKTOP: File Extension DESKTOP - Open DESKTOP files - DESKTOP file type info
The .desktop filename extension is used in modern GUI-based desktop environments like GNOME, KDE, Unity etc., primari...
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