ASPX: File Extension ASPX - Open ASPX files - ASPX file type info
The .aspx filename extension is used to point out to the 'Active Server Pages, Extended' file format and file type. A...
ASS: File Extension ASS - Open ASS files - ASS file type info
The ASS file extension is primarily associated with the Advanced SubStation Alpha file format created by CS Low aka K...
ASX: File Extension ASX - Open ASX files - ASX file type info
Primarily, the .asx extension is a designation of the Advanced Stream Redirector (ASX) format, being associated with ...
ATN: File Extension ATN - Open ATN files - ATN file type info
The filename extension .atn represents the Adobe Photoshop Action (.atn) file type/format. Adobe Photoshop (PS) is a ...
ATOMSVC: File Extension ATOMSVC - Open ATOMSVC files - ATOMSVC file type info
The lengthy .atomsvc filename extension associates with the Atom Data Service Document (.atomsvc) file type and forma...
ATSLN: File Extension ATSLN - Open ATSLN files - ATSLN file type info
Apparently obtained by abbreviating "Atmel Solution," the .atsln filename extension denotes the Atmel Studio 6.x Solu...
ATV: File Extension ATV - Open ATV files - ATV file type info
The .atv filename extension represents the AUER Dokumentvorlage (AUER Document Template, .atv) file type used in AUER...
AUBACKUP: File Extension AUBACKUP - Open AUBACKUP files - AUBACKUP file type info
The .aubackup dotted character string does not appear as a valid filename extension. However, it may be used by some ...
AUP: File Extension AUP - Open AUP files - AUP file type info
The .aup extension is related to the Audacity Project (AUP) file format. A file in this format is a small plaintext f...
AVASTLIC: File Extension AVASTLIC - Open AVASTLIC files - AVASTLIC file type info
The .avastlic filename extension has to do with the Avast License file format and the associated .avastlic file type...