DLL File Extension
Have a problem opening a .DLL file? We collect information about file formats and can explain what DLL files are. Additionally we recommend software suitable for opening or converting such files.
Have a problem opening a .DLL file? We collect information about file formats and can explain what DLL files are. Additionally we recommend software suitable for opening or converting such files.
DLL is an acronym which stands for 'Dynamic-Link Library,' and the .dll extension is associated with the DLL file type and assigned to dynamic-link library files in the Microsoft (MS) Windows operating system. DLL's provide a mechanism of sharing standard code routines among applications and the operating system (OS) - a Windows-specific implementation of the broader dynamic-library concept and a key part of the entire tree of Windows OS'es.
A .dll file is a binary file in one of the Windows executable formats, PE (Portable Executable), PE.NET or PE+. In fact, a .dll is an EXE file with a different extension. It contains machine code modules dynamically linked to and used by depending applications. Most Windows device drivers are provided as .dll files.
DLL files are located in system and application installation directories, and a failure to locate a required .dll will cause an application or a system utility to terminate with an error message.
DLL library files are not human-readable and are never meant to be opened and modified like a document as they contain pre-compiled code for direct execution by a machine in a Windows environment.